Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

It’s Time for Easter Eggstravaganza!

VVRM Easter

On Wednesday, March 27th, several thousand of our neighbors and friends will come to Center Street Park and enjoy a sun- and fun-filled day of Easter baskets, food, music, games and a message of hope. Entering into our 10th year, this Eggstravaganza has become a neighborhood favorite which has been growing in numbers since its inception. Last year we were able to host over 2,600 participants and distribute 1,400 Easter baskets, which were filled by the generosity of our many partners.

The family-friendly games, the music, the fun of seeing who wins the many raffle gifts, it all brings such joy to the children. The message of hope brings many people to salvation and we have the honor of seeing them begin their Christian life. Joyfully expectant of offering this hope again, we look forward to seeing our returning and new guests!

Our community’s involvement is on full display. We have Valley-wide support from businesses, churches, non-profits and city, county and state support services and elected leadership. Community partners provide Easter basket giveaways, offer face-painting, crafts, water, food and an offer of furthering relationships and helpful services.

We also have many event sponsors whose partnership allows us to create the complete space and event support that makes this such a significant and fun event in our area.

Why do we do this? Because it creates relationships and connections with people and services that have the ability to impact lives. Since this event is for our low-income and no-income neighbors and friends, we take the opportunity to present services both physical and spiritual that can assist a family to not only survive, but thrive. Knowing where and who to go to for support is critical in keeping family and friends intact, in shelter, and connected with practical and spiritual resources. And it is fun!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Center Street Park
15413 Center St., Victorville

If you would like to be a partner in this event, please contact Dawn Quigg at or to volunteer, Jeremy George at Or call 760-955-5958.

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