Stories that Inspire.


Victories to Celebrate.



Director’s Note

We served Thanksgiving meals to more than 800 people last year.

We served Thanksgiving meals to more than 800 people last year.

Before we even begin, we want to say thank you for all of the holiday support—we know we will be overflowing with the blessings God will bring us.

We are moved every year by the response of the High Desert community. Last year we were able to provide Thanksgiving meals for more than 800 of our unsheltered and low-income neighbors in need. With the help of local partners like Walmart, the Victorville Fire Department, and good people in the community, we also collected thousands of toys for children.

The holidays bring so much joy to so many and we have seen such amazing miracles happen: men, women, and children accepting Jesus as their Savior; broken family relationships restored; and children reunited with parents. All this is happening through our men’s and women’s Life Recovery Program and our many community outreach events during this season.

Every year we look to God and ask for His favor for the Mission and our donors who year over year remain faithful. This year we anticipate a larger need as our regular outreaches that happen every week have grown significantly. You are the reason we can do this great work. It’s your financial support that allows us to be a representative for God at all our outreaches.

We will always believe God will show up in amazing ways, like last year when the turkeys were on back order, and we were told not to hold our breath. Well, we prayed and believed that God would oversee this situation, and just like that, got a call to say the turkeys had arrived and they had more than we had requested—and for a cheaper price! This is the front row seat we get to witness God moving in all year long. He constantly brings hope to the hopeless through the direst situations. Will you consider recommitting your giving to the Mission this year? Will you consider giving more to meet the growing need we know we will face?

I leave you with this blessing from Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

If you would like to help by volunteering or donating, you can call the Mission at 760-955-5958. We have many opportunities available for you to serve those in need.

Director Bill Edwards Rescue Mission Alliance Victor Valley

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