Stories that Inspire.


Victories to Celebrate.



Director’s Note

Bible study and fellowship are important components of the women’s program.

Bible study and fellowship are important components of the women’s program.

When we opened the Women’s Emergency Shelter in November 2021, we celebrated and had immediate success stories of healing and restoration. However, we quickly realized one of the major gaps of service in Victor Valley.

The women who were calling our office for assistance, and many of the ladies entering the shelter, had things to overcome—not just homelessness. They had past trauma from different situations in their lives, some more than others. They needed more than just a roof over their heads.

We began to pray, asking God for wisdom and understanding, and spent time looking at the data. We discovered that there is a great need for a Christian Life Recovery Program for women. We discussed the many guests and their particular situations while staying with us, realizing eight out of 10 really needed the life recovery aspect of what we offer. The Mission’s program that helps transform lives for men in our area was needed for women too.

So, we purchased a second home and as of May, we have begun to use both homes for women’s Life Recovery Program housing. Please pray with us for the beds to be full, so the women in our community can begin to recover and heal, finding rest in the arms of our Savior Jesus Christ.

We have a 20-year track record of amazing successes in our Men’s Life Recovery Program and are looking forward to many more decades of God’s transforming love in our new women’s program. This love of God goes beyond the addictions, beyond the trauma, and beyond the past, into a future bright with Jesus. Please consider partnering with us.

“But, as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.’” 1 Corinthians 2:9

I pray this over each and every woman that will enter our program.

God bless you, Bill Edwards Director, Victor Valley Rescue Mission

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