Stories that Inspire.


Victories to Celebrate.



Bill’s Boots on the Ground

What can you testify to?

If you could see the future, what would you want to see? I am sure we could all name many things of all different sorts, and they would mostly have to do with our life. In my prayer time I was thanking God for my testimony that He made possible. It was amazing how He used that prayer to bring me into situations where I could testify of His amazing grace.

I am reminded of the story of Joseph, one of 12 sons of Jacob. Joseph was treated poorly by his brothers because he had dreams that they would bow down to him. They eventually sold him into slavery and told their father he was killed! Joseph then endures slavery and prison for many years, however God does not waste any of it. He is developing Joseph’s testimony. Joseph is eventually freed from prison to meet with the king of Egypt, and finds favor with him, and is given authority to rule over Egypt only second to the king!

I am sure if Joseph had seen his future and known all of the heartbreak and deceit he would endure he may have not chosen that path given the choice. All of the things Joseph endured became part of the testimony he used to glorify God. Eventually the land of his father Jacob was in a famine, and the inhabitants of the land began to travel to Egypt to get food. It was there that Joseph would encounter his brothers—he recognized them and forgave them. He then testified to them although they had been cruel to him. Ultimately God used all of it to help save all of them!

Our guests of the Mission all have a testimony just waiting to be finished and told. Their current situation resembles Joseph’s in his moments of struggle and hopelessness. But just as Joseph was restored, so can they. It’s your prayers and support that allow the Mission to be a place this can occur. God is at work throughout the Victor Valley and beyond to reconcile the lost, hurting and broken people back to Him, and we get to do this because of the generosity of you, our neighbors. Thank you.

Director Bill Edwards

If you would like to help by volunteering or donating, you can call the Mission at 760-955-5958. We have many opportunities available for you to serve those in need.

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