Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Bill’s Boots On The Ground – When All Seems Lost

VVRM Billie

If you were able to find something valuable that you had lost, would you keep this great news to yourself? I don’t think so. I bet you would proclaim it from the mountain tops! This is how we feel when those we serve succeed in moving beyond their circumstances, leaving those feelings of hopelessness behind. We serve thousands of people each month and we get to experience this miracle often. We get a front row seat to watch the king of heaven work here on earth!

I treasure every day, each one filled with the hope and faith that God will prepare someone to be ready for help, and want change in their life. In hope and faith we pray that they will ultimately accept Jesus as their Savior and that they will no longer be lost, but securely held in eternity by him. Thank you for helping us to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth; as it says in the Lord’s Prayer “on earth as it is in heaven.” Your gifts achieve all of this; it is with the help of our community we offer all of these resources. God bless you. ~ Director Bill Edwards

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