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Director’s Note: Moving through seasons of sowing

Mission Director Bill Edwards

Mission Director Bill Edwards

How many of you have planted a garden or grown something in a pot? I am sure most of you are saying, ‘Yes, I have sowed seeds and grown amazing things.’

Here at the Mission, we are constantly sowing, sharing the Gospel with so many of our unhoused guests, and sometimes we get to harvest too! Both of those things are so amazing and are life giving in the act of doing them. You might be asking where I am going with this.

Well, I often am asked how long it takes for an individual to want to change, to which I answer that it varies and that “it takes what it takes.” I often then share a story of an individual who for 14 years was receiving services—showers, hygiene, and meals—from the SOS outreach teams here at the Mission.

Well, it was one day a few years ago this person finally said, “I want help. I don’t want to be like this anymore.” What a glorious day to hear those words. I cannot express the joy we all felt when the years of sowing turned into harvest.

We are so grateful for the partnerships with so many of you helping us to continue to be able to sow day after day, and much like the story just told, we ask who God is sending to us to share the Gospel with next. Is it a future pastor, or even a director of a Rescue Mission?

Acts 1:8 tells us our goal is to be witnesses here at home and to the ends of the earth. Rescue Mission Alliance Victor Valley is doing just that, reaching the lost, broken, and hurting right here in the Victor Valley. With your help we will continue to engage those struggling in the High Desert in desperate need of the Living Water of Life, Jesus Christ! Thank you.

Blessings, Bill

If you would like to help by volunteering or donating, you can call the Mission at 760-955-5958. We have many opportunities available for you to serve those in need.

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