Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Where Will Their Help Come From?

VVRM client

The Lord has promised good to you! The old hymn says it all: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.” The Lord saved me, saved you, and the Lord will continue to save the lost.

The rescue mission is a rest stop for so many lost souls in our community. We see over 100 folks each day, and many are repeat visitors. The goal is to develop a relationship. Once they begin to see that someone cares for them and wants them to succeed, they will desire change. This process is one of longsuffering and can take months and sometimes years of care to see a result. Just like the Lord showed to me, “I once was lost, but now I am found, blind but now I see.”

Your faithful giving of your treasure to the Rescue Mission Alliance Victor Valley is the only reason we can offer these lost souls refuge. We are privately funded and do not receive tax dollars to accomplish this work. Our goal is always to proclaim victory in the name of Jesus over our clients. They hear and see the word of God lived out, and will hear the testimony of those who have received Him.

Thank you to each of you who give. Please be in prayer for us. This work is so crucial against the darkness that seeks to devour those we serve.

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