Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Looking back…
As we reflect on the past year, we’re filled with gratitude for the difference your support has made in the lives of our graduates. Your compassion has ignited a spark of hope in them. Here are some updates on some of the men and women you’ve read about this year.
Together, we’ve witnessed remarkable transformations: individuals finding stable housing, securing meaningful employment, reuniting with loved ones, and restoring relationships with Christ. As we embark on a new year, we invite you to join us in writing the next chapter of these inspiring stories.
Your support will empower even more individuals to break free from adversity and build a brighter future. Thank you for your generosity.

Jimmy said devotions with Pastor John are the highlight of the program for him.
Jimmy grew up in foster care until he was 17. At that point he said he “bounced around the East Coast,” eventually joining the military. “I did that for four years and then I came back, but I realized I didn’t really have anything to come back to. I ended up on the streets for 10 years or so.”
Jimmy said he never had any connection to family. “So I got all the issues that go along with that: feeling isolated, no trust … that’s how it was.”
In 2003, Jimmy went to a Christian based program. “I found the Lord and was in service to Him for 20 years,” said Jimmy, who ended up going to work for the organization that helped him. “It got me away from me. I was taking care of people.”
Jimmy experienced what he called a “slow erosion” from God. He started feeling “empty, lonely and lost. Now I’m here (at the Mission), and I have to rebuild. It’s hard to know what to do with myself after so long. But I’m taking a good hard look and changing my life.”
Jimmy had struggled with pain medication in the past. There were other underlying issues aside from addiction – feeling wounded and lost – he said. “I’m doing my best to put everything behind me that was keeping me from the Lord,” he added. “I don’t have it all figured out—I really don’t know what’s next. I still want to be in service to Him, helping people. I have to be OK to do that. I have to be in good alignment with the Lord, and I’m getting that here.”
Update: Jimmy graduated the program and has applied for our Vocational Residency Program. He wants to pursue addiction and life recovery ministry as a career and calling. Jimmy is essential in making new residents feel welcome and provides daily assistance and encouragement to both staff and clients.

Sarah was in and out of foster care until she aged out at 18.
As we reflect on the past year, we’re filled with gratitude for the difference your support has made in the lives of our graduates. Your compassion has ignited a spark of hope in them. Here are some updates on some of the men and women you’ve read about this year.
Together, we’ve witnessed remarkable transformations: individuals finding stable housing, securing meaningful employment, reuniting with loved ones, and restoring relationships with Christ. As we embark on a new year, we invite you to join us in writing the next chapter of these inspiring stories.
Your support will empower even more individuals to break free from adversity and build a brighter future. Thank you for your generosity.
At 18, Sarah went to college, but after the end of a relationship, she turned to drugs, eventually dropping out of school due to addiction. “I had nowhere to go,” she said. “I lived in my car for a while but then I lost that.”
Sarah knew she had to do something. “I wasn’t able to feed myself. I wasn’table to take care of myself. It was getting bad out there (in the streets) and it was scary. I was freezing cold. I didn’t even have a tent or blanket to lay under… I just knew I couldn’t do it anymore.”
Sarah recalls feeling “welcomed and comfortable” when she first arrived at the program, something she hasn’t felt in a while. “I have no complaints (about the program) at all,” Sarah laughed. “Routine works best for me. The stability is comforting. It’s safe and welcoming and warm… I’m thankful to be here. I’m also growing closer to God. I’m building my faith back.”
Sarah encourages anyone needing help or who is struggling to consider the program. “Come join us, it really works! … Don’t be afraid,” she said. While in program, Sarah is focused on healing. “Right now, I’m working on myself—working on my own stability and sobriety,” she said. “I’m getting everything I lost out there (on the streets) back. I was crushed before. I lost my dignity, my self-worth. I lost everything.
“But my self-esteem is building up, and my confidence and my worth. My faith is growing… And I’m getting myself back too.”
Update: Sarah has graduated the Life Recovery Program and is now in our Transitional Living Program. She’s excited to be back in school and is currently taking classes at Victor Valley College in Animal Science. Sarah has found part-time employment working with children at a local recreational center. She’s looking forward to what God has planned for her next.
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